
Department of Fashion Stylist Design

Department of Fashion Stylist Design


Department cultivation goals:

Cultivate wedding dress shape design, film and television shape design, fashion makeup, makeup shape design, special effects makeup, wedding planning, hairdressing shape design, classical hairstyle, artistic hairstyle creation, wedding banquet hairstyle design, wedding dress shape practice, beauty practice, creative clothing shape, Professional skills such as overall shape design. There are also professional tutors with the British ITEC International Professional Make-up Model License and the B-level domestic high-level professional license for beauty and hairdressing.

Main shaft characteristics

With the "overall image modeling design" as the main direction, with clothing, beauty and hairdressing as supplements, the building constitutes a department of the overall image modeling design.

Department core competence:

1.Aesthetic design knowledge ability .

2. Make-up creative styling ability.

3. Hair design ability.

4. Wedding dress styling ability.

5. Moral and ethical qualities.

Department core competence definition:

1. Aesthetic design knowledge and ability definition: integrating aesthetics, art and phenomenology into the imagery, reductiveness of the life world, creating perceptual economy.

2. Definition of makeup creative styling ability: possess the ability of fashion makeup, media makeup, stage performance, theater makeup, body painting, special effects makeup.

3. Definition of hair styling ability: Have the ability to design classical hairstyles, wedding banquet hairstyles, cutting, blowing, dyeing and finishing.

4. Definition of wedding dress styling ability: Have the overall styling design skills of fashionable bridal makeup, hairstyle and wedding dress, and the ability to achieve modern beauty, precise technology, and professional attitude.

5. Definition of morality and ethics: possess the practical spirit of moral cultivation and ethics, loyalty and dedication.
